Last week Ikumi, Mia and I took a trip to the French Riviera. We ate lots of onion soup with lashings of red wine. We kept it stereotypical...
Not really! Nagasaki has a beautiful waterfront and everytime I go there I think I'm on the French riviera. However whenever I go there I do try and have a glass of red wine yo recreate a european atmosphere. However due to Japan's strict driving laws for drink and driving, I couldn't even have a sip of wine with my meal. If I was in the UK I would have at least a bottle before taking the wheel of my car ( just before anyone contacts the RSPCC or any other narc organization, this last point is a joke).
After our meal on the waterfront we went for a walk and we saw a local team preparing for the October Okunchi festival. Now that's something that would never happen in the UK.
No Okunchis in Blighty? Shocked, I am.