
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can you use chopsticks?

Yes I can!

I arrived in Japan in 2005 and I have lost count of the amount of times somebody has asked me "Can you use chopsticks?". I think all the foreigners living or visiting here have been asked this question and all of them have felt frustration of being asked this question for the 386th time.

Do Japanese people really want to know if I have prowess with two short sticks? I don't think so. This question always pops up in the "getting to know you" situation that I have found myself in many times.  For example, taking questions after a self introduction class or drinking for the first time with co-workers. I never get hunted down by a random person in the street begging me to tell them my answer.

So why is this the 'de-riegeur' question to ask foreigners ? In my humble 5-year-immersion-in-the-local-culture-opinion, I think it's just an "ice breaking" question that serves as a little small talk before other de-rieguer questions such as "Do you like Japanese food?" "Natto, ok?" or "Are you married?" are asked.

Yes, we foreigners get frustrated with these strange/personal questions, but it's all do with difference of culture, the lack of understanding each others culture and therefore the different understanding of how to approach first contact.

I have started this blog for a few reasons:

a) 2011 is the year of my daughter! Ikumi and I are expecting our daughter in May and I have decided that this will be a "creative year". Many people tell me that having a child = "life is over" blah blah blah...but I don't listen too much to them. Waiting for our daughter to arrive has motivated me to become creative. This blog is one of the fruits of my motivation.  I also have other creative projects that I want to accomplish before the year is over.
b) to let my friends in the UK and all over the world to share my experiences.
c) to let said friends know that I haven't forgotten about ANY of them (especially as I haven't emailed very much lately)
d) to ponder, enjoy, understand and vent the many differences of UK culture and Japanese culture.

I hope to post my ponders and reports of Japanese life often. Please write your comments and views.

2011: The year of the blog.

Biglove - Rob.


  1. Good on ya, Rob.

    I was always a bit surprised to hear other gaijin's frustration at the 'can you use chopsticks/eat rice/ raw fish/use a squat toilet?'-type questions. They were so obviously ways for people to break the ice without rocking too many boats. The fact that some people asked the question whilst you were using chopsticks/eating rice/raw fish/using a squat toilet made it all the more obvious. Well, maybe not the last thing.

    In an extremely unscientific survey, I've found that Europeans (yeah, all of 'em) get equally frustrated with the British habit of constantly asking 'How are you?' every single, bloody time we see someone. It's obvious that we don't actually give two farts in a thunderstorm about the other person's real existential status, but just want some bland, stock response (I'm fine, zankyou!) One German student I know has taken to bellowing 'How are you?' in an increasingly ridiculous manner whenever I see her.

    Look forward to future postings a good luck with the impending fatherhood.

  2. Hey Andrew,

    Thanks for posting your comment - sorry it took a while to reply. Have you you been to Japan? Are you in the UK now?

    I thought it was interesting what you said about Europeans getting frustrated with Brits asking "how are you?". As a Brit, I never gave that much thought before...but it makes perfect sense. I wonder what kind of ice-breaking-greeting the Germans have in their country. That would be cool to know.

    Cheers :-)
